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Set goals using the Jim Rohn "workshop"

I love audio books, they're a great way to kill time during the commute. Recently, I finished an audio book called "The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library." It's a collection of motivational speeches mixed in with practical advice. Jim was the one of the original self development guys. In fact, Tony Robbins still uses some of the same stories and lessons Jim introduced decades ago. I'm not too big on the "self-help" train but I believe when you find a good tool, use it, no matter where it's from.

One of the big takeaways from Jim Rohn's book that I've acted on came from his section on goal setting. It's all about action. I love it because if you're serious about accomplishing anything you should give it enough attention to sit down and write it out. You don't have to have a concrete vision in your mind, the important thing is to just start. Follow the instructions below to set your own goals using Jim Rohn's goal "workshop."

  1. Write down 5 things have you already accomplished (Mr. Rohn starts positive, we've all done something we're proud of at this point.)

  2. Next, write down what do you want in the next 10 years (make a list of 50 things.)

  3. Look at your list and mark how long it will take you to achieve each goal using the following: 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years.

  4. Next, pick out the 4 most important 1 year goals.

  5. Write down why those 4 goals are important.

  6. Finally, write down what kind of person you would have to be to achieve the goals you've written down.

Now that you have your goals, take action. Replace and celebrate each goal you accomplish accordingly.

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